Course Description

Intro 2 Lit is a complete full-year literature course designed to introduce homeschooled high school students to the shared structural components found in every work of literature. It is also designed to be easy and fun for both the teacher/parent & the student!  By examining the elements of fiction, the plotline, and the literary devices the author employs, the works we read can not only be enjoyed, but more completely understood. Parents and students can learn together, discussing some of the critical ideas behind Western Civilization! The course is designed to fulfill requirements of public school charters in the state of California, and other rigorous entitites. You may download the scope and sequence here:

Intro to Lit: Scope & Sequence

In addition to obtaining a deeper appreciation for the literature we read, students will

  • become familiar with vocabulary contained in the works studied through games, puzzles, study lists, and quizzes
  • learn to read for comprehension through the pre-reading discussions and for the near-weekly reading comprehension quizzes.
  • learn to respond to the reading through thoughtful literary analysis during the semester-long writing projects, which they get to choose from those offered
  • and participate in prepared discussions - socratic seminars - conducted in class.

All of the discussion questions for each week (and suggested answers), quizzes, vocabulary unit, grammar units, and writing challenges are included in the teacher's guide, which we recommend downloading onto a tablet or computer. In addition, all short stories, essays, poems, and speeches read will be downloadable as pdf. Each week will include approx. 30-45 minutes of video discussion, broken into two parts (Pt 1. reviews the reading done the previous week, Pt. 2 previews the coming assignment).

The class will require the six texts indicated on the complete scope and sequence as well as an internet connection capable of viewing the videos. You will want to print out student materials provided each week, but the teacher is advised to simply download the quarterly teacher's guides for ease of access during class.

After the curriculum is purchased, it will be available for 365 days. Please note that by purchasing the curriculum, you agree to use it for one student. Please contact me at [email protected] for discount codes to be used in a group or class setting. Copying, downloading, distributing in any fashion on the web, electronically, or in paper form, or via any other means is expressly illegal and a violation of copyright law. Thank you for helping to protect my intellectual property! :)

Finally, you can always contact Miss Cara for help or questions at: [email protected]

Noli Timere!

Author & Educator

Cara Shelton

Miss Cara received a Bachelor of Arts in English from CSU, Northridge, where she graduated magna cum laude. A lifelong bibliophile, Miss Cara has been teaching Literature and English Composition courses for over twenty years now, finding that getting students talking about Literature is just as rewarding as reading it! Outside of the classroom, Miss Cara and her husband are co-ringmasters of their own "Family Circus," recently having graduated the last of their children from their own homeschool. Author of several children's books, and co-author of a set of devotional books (with her sister), Miss Cara is excited to provide literature courses that will empower parents, teachers, and students to take education into their own hands!Not all Rigor is Mortis!

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Lesson 1: Unit 1, Wk. 1 - Welcome to the Great Conversation!

    • First Day Survey

    • Intro to Lit: Grammar Pre-Test

    • Exit Tyrannus_Student Text

    • Story Element Diagram

    • Intro to Lit, Discussion, Lesson 1

    • DulceDomum_StudentText4Homework

    • HomeworkWeek1_DueWeek2

  • 3

    Lesson 2: Unit 1, Wk 2 - Recognizing the Skeleton Under All That Skin - Structure!

    • ReadCompQuiz_Lesson2

    • Intro2Lit, Discussion 2.1

    • CharacterizationSettingLRH

    • StudentGrammarGracePack_IntroGG

    • The Last Leaf_OHenry

    • HomeworkWeek2_DueWeek3

    • Intro2Lit Discussion 2.2 (End of Class)

  • 4

    Lesson 3: Unit 1, Wk 3: The Masterful Backdrop

    • Reading Quiz, Week 3

    • Intro2Lit, Discussion 3.1

    • EvidenceWorksheet

    • GrammarWorksheet, Week 3

    • The Lady or the Tiger_Short Story in class

    • VelveteenRabbit_MargeryWilliams

    • Intro2Lit Discussion 3.2 (End of Class)

    • Homework, week 3 - due week 4

  • 5

    Lesson 4: Unit 1, Wk 4: Making it Memorable and Crafting Impact - Literary Style (Plus preview Unit 2)

    • ReadCompQuiz, Lesson4

    • Intro2Lit, Discussion 4.1

    • TheThreeBears_StudentCopy

    • Grammar&Grace Worksheet, Lesson 4

    • Treasure Island Unit Vocabulary List

    • "How to Mark a Book" article with RCRR questions

    • ConloquiumMagno_1_I2L

    • Intro2Lit, Discussion 4.2

    • Homework, week 4 (Due week 5)

  • 6

    Lesson 5: Unit 2, Wk 1 - The Bildungsroman Novel (Treasure Island pt1)

    • Reading Comp Quiz Lesson 5

    • I2L_Discussion_5.1

    • Character Analysis_TI

    • Hispaniola_KnowYourShip

    • GrammarGrace_SC4

    • Treasure Island Unit Vocab Phrases

    • I2L_Discussion_5.2

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson_5

  • 7

    Lesson 6: Unit 2, Wk 2 - Treasure Island, Pt 2

    • ReadCompQuiz_Lesson6

    • I2L_Discussion6.1

    • Vocabulary Crossword

    • SeaChanty_ComparisonLyrics

    • Grammar & Grace Worksheet_SC5

    • I2L_Discussion6.2

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson6

  • 8

    Lesson 7: Unit 2, Wk 3 - Treasure Island, Finale

    • ReadCompQzLesson7

    • I2L_Discussion7.1

    • SimilesandMetaphorsWorksheet_I2L_7

    • Pirate Bingo Game

    • Treasure Island (Pirate) Vocab Quiz

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson7

    • I2L_Discussion7.2

  • 9

    Lesson 8: Unit 3, Wk 1 - Julius Caesar - Intro to the Bard, Act I & II

    • Quarter2_TeacherGuideandGradeReport

    • ReadCompQzLesson8

    • I2L_Discussion 8.1

    • The Globe

    • Fast & Furious Facts of Roman History (Just enough to prep you for Julius Caesar!)

    • JuliusCaesarCharacters

    • Julius Caesar Unit Vocabulary List

    • ItFigures

    • Grammar & Grace Worksheet Grammar Check #3

    • I2L_Discussion 8.2

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson 8

  • 10

    Lesson 9: Unit 3, Wk 1 - Julius Caesar, Modes of Persuasion, Act III

    • ReadCompQzLesson9

    • I2L_Discussion 9.1

    • BrutusSoliloquy

    • Grammar & Grace: Grammar Check #2

    • VocabMagicSquare_JuliusCaesar

    • I2L_Discussion 9.2

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson9

  • 11

    Lesson 10: Unit 3, Wk 2 - Julius Caesar: Ethos, Pathos, Logos in the Funeral Speeches of Antony & Brutus

    • ReadCompQzLesson10

    • I2L_Discussion 10.1

    • Fast & Furious Guide to Rhetoric in the Funeral Monologues

    • Rhetoric101

    • Funeral Rhetoric

    • Grammar & Grace: Grammar Check #3

    • I2L_Discussion10.2

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson10

  • 12

    Lesson 11: Unit 3, Wk 3 - Act IV & V discussion, Finale, Who is the Hero?

    • ReadCompQzLesson11

    • I2L_Discussion 11.1

    • JuliusCaesarVocabQuiz

    • The Assassination of Julius Caesar, 44 BC

    • Intro2LitSocratic-SeminarStudentGuide

    • I2L_Discussion 11.2

    • I2L_Homework Week 11

    • GiftofMagi_CloseReading

    • Jabberwocky_CloseReading

  • 13

    Lesson 12: Unit 4, Della vs. Mathilde: Characterization in Literature Pt. 1

    • ReadCompQzLesson12

    • I2L_Discussion12.1

    • Grammarand Grace_GC4

    • Introduction to Poetry

    • ExperiencingJabberwocky

    • GiftofMagi_CloseReading

    • I2L_Discussion12.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Wk12

    • Homework_The Necklace_CloseReading

    • Homework-CaseyattheBat

  • 14

    Lesson 13: Unit 4, Wk. 1 - Della vs. Mathilde: Characterization in literature, Pt. 2

    • ReadCompQzLesson13

    • I2L_Discussion13.1

    • The Necklace_CloseReadingTeachersGuide

    • GG_TC5

    • Casey at the Bat_ReadersTheater

    • Compare Contrast Formats

    • I2L_Discussion13.2

    • I2L_Homework, Wk13

  • 15

    Lesson 14: Unit 5, The Chosen, Pt. 1: The Past informs the Plot

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk14_ChosenBk1

    • I2L_Discussion14.1

    • The Chosen_CharacterizationSTudy

    • VocabListTheChosen

    • GrammarGrace_PP1and2

    • I2L_Discussion14.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Wk14

  • 16

    Lesson 15: Unit 5 The Chosen, Pt. 2: The Past Informs the Plot

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Lesson15_ChosenBk2

    • I2L_Discussion 15.1

    • GrammarandGrace_PP3and4

    • The Chosen Crossword Puzzle

    • The Chosen_SettingAnalysis

    • I2L_Discussion 15.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Wk15

  • 17

    Lesson 16: Unit 5 The Chosen, Pt. 3, The Past Informs the Plot

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Lesson16_ChosenBk3

    • I2L_Discussion 16.1

    • VocabPuzzle_TheChosen

    • The Holocaust - We Must Remember

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson16

    • I2L_Discussion 16.2

    • Semester Test_1_I2L

  • 18

    Lesson 17: Unit 6 - Themes & Motifs in Literature: Great Expectations Pt. 1

    • Quarter3_TeacherGuideandGradeReport

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Lesson17_ Great Expectations.Pt1

    • I2L_Discussion17.1

    • GrammarGrace_PP5

    • InClassGreatExpectationsWork_Wk17

    • VocabListGreatExpectations

    • I2L_Discussion17.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson17

    • ConloquiumMagnumSemester2_Intro2LitRCRR

  • 19

    Lesson 18: Unit 6 Great Expectations, Pt. 2

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Lesson18_ Great Expectations.Pt2

    • I2L_Discussion18.1

    • GrammarandGrace_PP6and7

    • InClassGreatExpectationsWork_Wk18

    • VocabMagicSquare_65Great Expectations

    • I2L_Discussion18.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson18

  • 20

    Lesson 19: Unit 6 Great Expectations, Pt. 3

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk19_GreatExpectations

    • I2L_Discussion19.1

    • GreatExpectationsVocabCrosswordPuzzle

    • GrammarandGrace_PP8

    • InClassGreatExpectationsWork_Wk19

    • I2L_Discussion19.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson19

  • 21

    Lesson 20: Unit 6, Great Expectations Wrap Up

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk20_GreatExpectations

    • I2L_Discussion20.1

    • Grammar and Grace_PP9

    • InClassGreatExpectationsWork_Wk20

    • Great Expect Vocab Quiz

    • I2L_Discussion20.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson20

    • Film vs Novel Worksheet

    • The Importance of Being Earnest (Text)

  • 22

    Lesson 21: Unit 7, Satire & Social Commentary: The Importance of Being Earnest , Pt. 1

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk21_ImportanceBeingEarnest

    • I2L_Discussion21.1

    • Grammar and Grace_WST2

    • InClassWork_SatireinFirstHalf

    • I2L_Discussion21.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson21

    • Film vs Reading Worksheet

  • 23

    Lesson 22: Unit 7, Satire & SOcial Commentary: The Importance of Being Earnest, Pt. 2

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk22_ImportanceBeingEarnest

    • Grammar and Grace_WST3

    • InClassWork_SatireinSecondHalf

    • I2L_Discussion22.1

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson22

    • A_Sound_of_Thunder_ToAnnotate

    • TheMostDangerousGame_ToAnnotate

  • 24

    Lesson 23: Unit 8, Characterization through Plot in Short Fiction Pt. 1

    • Quarter 4 Teacher Guide & Grade Report

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk23_THunderDangerousGame

    • I2L_Discussion23.1

    • Grammar and Grace_WST4

    • InClassWork_TheButterflyEffect

    • Vocabulary_OldManDangerousGameSoundThunder

    • I2L_Discussion23.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson23

  • 25

    Lesson 24: Unit 8, Characterization through Plot, Pt. 2

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk24_OldManSea

    • VocabPuzzle_OntheHunt

    • I2L_Discussion24.1

    • InClassWork_TheMakingofaManSantiago

    • Writing Style Trap_5A

    • I2L_Discussion24.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson24

  • 26

    Lesson 25: Unit 8, Characterization through Plot, Pt. 3

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk25_OldManSea2

    • I2L_Discussion25.1

    • InClassWork_TheMakingofaManSantiagoII

    • IHAVEWHOHASVocabCards

    • VocabQuiz_Unit8

    • I2L_Discussion25.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson25

  • 27

    Lesson 26: Unit 9, Stevenson's Monster & Authorship - Dr. J & Mr. H, Pt. 1

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk26_DrJMrH

    • I2L_Discussion26.1

    • Grammar & Grace_PunctuationPoint10

    • Vocabulary_Units9&10

    • I2L_Homework_Lesson26

    • I2L_Discussion26.2

  • 28

    Lesson 27: Unit 9 Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Pt. 2

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk27_DrJMrH

    • I2L_Discussion 27.1

    • VocabularyCrissCross

    • Intro2Lit_TeacherSocraticSeminar

    • Intro2LitSocratic-SeminarStudentGuide

    • SocraticSeminarEvaluation

    • I2L_Discussion 27.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson27

  • 29

    Lesson 28: Unit 10 - Rhetoric & Style in Practice: Famous Speeches & Poems, Pt. 1

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk28

    • I2L_Discussion 28.1

    • GrammarGrace, Writing Style Traps,5B

    • IHAVEWHOHASVocabCards_wk28

    • I2L_Discussion 28.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson28

    • FastFuriousFacts_CivilRightsEraMLK.pdf

  • 30

    Lesson 29: Unit 10 - Rhetoric & Style in Practise: Famous Speeches & Poems, Pt. 2

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk29

    • I2L_Discussion 29.1

    • GrammarGrace_WST_5C

    • VocabularyBingoGame

    • I2L_Discussion 29.2

    • I2L_Hmwk_Lesson29

  • 31

    Lesson 30/Finale: Course Wrap-Up.

    • ReadingCompQuiz_Wk30

    • I2L_Discussion 30.1

    • I2L_Discussion 30.2

    • 2ndSemFinalWVocab